- [品牌] 龙俊
- [企业] 龙俊机工股份有限公司
- [地址] 台湾省-台中市 台中縣梧棲鎮港埠路一段505號
- [电话] +886-4-26392158
- [传真] +86-757-85103906
We are not only produce the traditional shoe-making machines but also develop to research and design the full-automatic machinery. The automatic insole machine technology is absolutely the number one place in China. CNC outsole milling machine would be the prominent productions in the future. Customers also can find out many kinds of shoe-making cutters and millings in our production lists.
services: 制鞋設備,中底設備,大底設備,鞋面定型設備,shoe making machine,insole making machine,sole making machine,leather modding machine
龙俊鞋机,火热招商中!经济,实用!Lon Jun Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in Tai-chung, Taiwan, 1976. We are the famous manufacturer of insole, outsole and lady shoes making machinery. Our main factory was located in Fo-Shan city, Guang-Dong province, China in 2002, with Taiwan Company as the head quarter and international business center.
We are not only produce the traditional shoe-making machines but also develop to research and design the full-automatic machinery. The automatic insole machine technology is absolutely the number one place in China. CNC outsole milling machine would be the prominent productions in the future. Customers also can find out many kinds of shoe-making cutters and millings in our production lists.
services: 制鞋設備,中底設備,大底設備,鞋面定型設備,shoe making machine,insole making machine,sole making machine,leather modding machine
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